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  • Writer's pictureGerald Kroeger

Unlocking the power of your Intuitive mind:You are what you think.

In the immense breadth of our mind, the subconscious is like the silent, powerful ocean underlying the turbulent waves of our waking thoughts. It serves as a repository for our deepest beliefs, feelings, and memories, silently impacting our decisions, behaviors, and the path of our life without our knowledge. The ancient proverb goes, "Think good, and good will follow." Think evil, and evil will come. The phrase "You are what you think all day" captures the enormous influence of our ideas on our reality. This isn't just philosophical musing; it's a principle based on the psychology of the subconscious mind.

The Subconscious Mind: A Silent Force.

The subconscious mind is responsible for our instincts, habits, and involuntary physical activities. It is an obedient servant; it does not reason or dispute, but simply accepts what the conscious mind commands. If you feed your conscious mind with happy thoughts, the subconscious will act on them and bring them into your reality. In contrast, negative ideas might have unfavorable consequences.

You are what you think during the day.

Our daily lives are physical manifestations of the thoughts and beliefs we hold in our subconscious minds. Every idea we have affects our subconscious, which molds our perceptions, emotions, and behaviors. When we think good ideas, we are effectively programming our subconscious to attract pleasant experiences and outcomes. This is the essence of the law of attraction: like attracts like. It's not magic; it's about matching our subconscious programming to the results we want.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking does not imply dismissing life's issues. It's about approaching them in a more constructive and positive manner. When you develop a positive mindset, you allow yourself to see chances and possibilities that were previously hidden by negativity. Positive thinking increases your problem-solving abilities, lowers stress, and boosts your overall well-being. By actively choosing positive ideas, you are instructing your subconscious to manifest a world consistent with those thoughts.

Transforming your subconscious beliefs.

Awareness is the first step toward transforming your subconscious thoughts. You need to become aware of the negative thinking patterns that have taken root in your subconscious. Once recognized, you can start the process of reprograming your mind with positive thoughts and affirmations. This transition does not occur overnight. It takes constant practice and perseverance. Here are some ways for reprogramming your subconscious mind.


Positive affirmations are extremely effective strategies for changing subconscious thoughts. Repeating affirmations on a daily basis can help to reinforce good thoughts and beliefs in your subconscious, gradually changing your perspective and reality.


Visualization entails forming a mental image of the intended result. This technique not only activates your creative subconscious but also aligns it with your goals, making them more attainable.

Mindfulness & Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation serve to calm the conscious mind and give direct access to the subconscious. Regular practice can help you influence your subconscious thoughts, replacing negative with optimism.

Cognitive Behavioral Techniques

Cognitive-behavioral approaches entail recognizing negative thought patterns and consciously replacing them with good ones. These optimistic thoughts gradually transform into subconscious beliefs that influence your behavior and consequences.

The Ripple Effect of Positive Thinking

When you build the practice of positive thinking, it has a knock-on effect in your life. Positive ideas motivate positive actions, which result in favorable outcomes. This happiness extends beyond your personal experiences, impacting your interactions with others and garnering favorable relationships and prospects.

Furthermore, optimistic thinking improves your mental and physical wellness. According to studies, maintaining a cheerful attitude can reduce stress, improve cardiovascular health, and increase overall life satisfaction. Nurturing good thoughts not only transforms your subconscious mind, but it also improves your health and wellbeing.

The subconscious mind has enormous power, and when combined with positive thought, it has the potential to influence your life dramatically. Remember that you are the sum of your daily thoughts. By filling your mind with happy thoughts, you are directing your subconscious to manifest a reality that reflects those thoughts. It's a process of transformation that starts within. Begin this trip today, and see how the world around you changes in response to the power of your thoughts.

Embrace the idea "Think good, and good will follow." Think evil, and evil follows," and allow it lead you to a life of positivity, success, and fulfillment. Your ideas are the key to accessing your subconscious mind's treasure chest. Choose positivity, and your subconscious mind will pave the way to a brighter, more affluent future.

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