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  • Writer's pictureGerald Kroeger

Getting Over Addiction and Understanding the Intuitive Mind in Order to Break Free

Liken your thoughts to the tip of an iceberg. Your conscious mind is represented by the tip that is above the water, while the wide expanse that is below it is a representation of your subconscious. When it comes to addiction, whether it be alcoholism, smoking, or any other kind, the struggle is not merely fought on the surface; rather, it is fought deep within the submerged half of the iceberg, which is your subconscious mind.

Middle aged successful man putting out his last cigarette for a better life-style

Many people have the misconception that addiction is nothing more than a lack of willpower or a moral weakness. On the other hand, the origins of addictive behaviors are significantly more profound and are intimately connected to the subconscious mind. This region of our brain, which is accountable for our routines, feelings, and behaviors that are triggered automatically, plays a key function in the development and maintenance of addiction.

Witnessing the struggle of close friends and clients with addiction, I've seen firsthand how deep-seated beliefs and subconscious programming can fuel these destructive patterns. It's a journey that's both personal and universal, touching the lives of countless individuals.

The Subconscious Mind and Obsession to Substances

Our subconscious mind is a storehouse of our encounters, memories, and behaviors that we have acquired via experience. It is the location where habits and responses that are created automatically are kept. The fundamental nature of addictions is that they are behaviors that are firmly ingrained in the brain, and they frequently function as erroneous coping methods for dealing with stress, trauma, or emotional anguish.

There are ten practices that can help you overcome addiction and rewire your subconscious.


1. Mindful mediation

Begin your practice of mindful meditation by concentrating on your breath for five minutes each day. The practice of mindfulness meditation raises one's level of self-awareness, which enables one to detect and correct bad actions that occur automatically.

2. Positive affirmations

Begin each day by reiterating that you are capable of overcoming addiction and that you have the strength to do it. Affirmations such as "I am in control of my choices" should be repeated over and over again in order to retrain your subconscious thoughts.

3. Visualisation

Spend some time every day imagining yourself free from addiction. This is an important part of the visualization process. Make sure that your subconscious mind is in sync with your conscious goals by using this powerful tool.

4. Habit Replacement

In order to replace addictive behaviors with healthier alternatives, it is necessary to first identify the triggers that cause them. Try doing deep breathing techniques instead of smoking, for instance, if you find that stress makes you want to smoke.

5. Journaling

Keep a journal in which you record your everyday thoughts, feelings, and any improvements you make. Your resolve to change will be strengthened and your ability to handle your emotions will be facilitated by journaling.

6. Subconscious Reprogramming Techniques

Techniques of Subconscious Reprogramming: Techniques such as hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) have the potential to be useful in modifying deeply ingrained beliefs and pattern of behavior that are associated with addiction.

7. Gratitude Practice

Before going to bed, make a list of three things for which you are thankful. By shifting one's focus from cravings to positives, gratitude helps to reinforce a healthy lifestyle and mindset.

8. Support Groups

Joining support groups or surrounding oneself with sympathetic friends and family members is a great way to get social support. The encouragement and accountability that come from social relationships are invaluable.

9. Physical Activity

It is important to engage in regular physical activity, even if it is just a brief walk every day. Physical activity improves mood, lowers stress levels, and lessens the desire to eat unhealthy foods.

10. Professional Assistance

Please do not be afraid to seek assistance from a therapist or counselor who is experienced in the field of addiction rehabilitation. In order to address the underlying problems, it is sometimes necessary to seek the help of a professional.

In Conclusion

According to the conclusion, addiction is not a route that is walked alone, nor is it an obstacle that cannot be overcome. You can go on a journey of transformation by first gaining an awareness of the importance of the subconscious mind in the process of addiction and then incorporating these daily routines. It is a way that leads not only to the triumph over addiction, but also to the rediscovery of oneself, liberated from the shackles of habits that are ingrained in the subconscious.

Keep in mind that the first step toward transformation is a single step, which should be taken today and then repeated tomorrow. Every seemingly insignificant action is a win, a ripple that creates a steady transformation in the huge ocean that is your mind. It is possible for you to overcome addiction and achieve freedom if you are willing to commit, have support, and have compassion for yourself.

My aim as a well-being lifestyle coach is to assist and accompany you through this journey, providing you with tools and insights to empower your mind and alter your life. Please allow me to fulfill this mission. Together, let's discover the power that is within your subconscious, and then take the first step toward a future that is rich in optimism, health, and happiness.

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