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  • Writer's pictureGerald Kroeger

A Psychological Exploration of the Process of Finding Your Ideal Partner

Imagine for a moment that the process of finding the person who would become your ideal companion was not just dependent on chance or luck, but rather a road that was illuminated by the power of your mindset. The stories of love and partnership are as diverse as the people who tell them; nonetheless, there is a common thread that runs through the relationships that are the most long-lasting: the importance of thinking.

What causes some people to find themselves in cycles of violent relationships over and over again, while others appear to easily attract and sustain good, loving partnerships? This is the problem that has to be identified. In many cases, the answer is not found in the constellations, but rather in the beliefs and attitudes that we hold unconsciously about ourselves and our relationships.

Couple falling in love at a classic restaurant setting during dinner

I have had the opportunity to work as a well-being lifestyle coach for many years, and throughout that time I have met a great number of people who fall somewhere on the spectrum of love. These individuals range from those who are stuck in patterns of unhealthy relationships to those who are in harmonious marriage. Their tales have not only served to motivate us, but they have also shed light on the significant influence that our mentality has on our romantic life.

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The first story is about the cycle of attraction to partners who are abusive.

Maria had always been curious about the reason why her relationships appeared to follow a pattern that was unpleasant. She was left feeling empty and inadequate on account of the fact that every partner she chose was either emotionally unavailable or aggressive. Her subconscious mind held deep-seated notions of unworthiness and fear of abandonment, which were rooted in her childhood experiences. It wasn't until she began on a journey of self-discovery that she discovered the truth: her subconscious mind carried these views. As a result of these beliefs, she unconsciously sought out partners who validated her emotions, which contributed to the perpetuation of the abusive cycle.

Maria started the process of rewriting her internal story by participating in therapy and practicing mindful practices. Through the process of learning to identify her own value and establishing boundaries, she was able to alter her perspective from one of suffering to one of empowerment. Her heart was awakened to the prospect of genuine love as a result of this transition, which not only put an end to the pattern of abusive relationships she had been in.

In the second tale, we are all thriving together in happiness.

The relationship between John and Lisa was frequently referred to by their acquaintances as "effortlessly happy." How did they keep their secret? Mutual respect, open communication, and a profound comprehension of their own and each other's subconscious wants and desires served as the cornerstones upon which their connection was constructed. They had a growth attitude, which meant that they saw problems as opportunities to improve their connection with one another.

Their contentment was not the result of a simple stroke of good fortune; rather, it was the consequence of deliberate efforts and a collective dedication to cultivating an atmosphere that was upbeat and encouraging. As a result of their thoughts being aligned toward growth and understanding, they were able to create a relationship that was not only loving but also resilient in the face of challenges.

The Influence of Mental Attitude on Love

It is clear from these tales that our subconscious thoughts and ideas play a significant part in the love life that we currently lead. However, what are some ways that we may change our mentality in order to attract and keep love relationships that are healthy?

How to Find Your Ideal Partner and Make the Most of Your Intuitive Mind with These Seven Practices

  1. Self Reflection:

For the sake of self-reflection, you should set aside some time to gain an understanding of your values, desires, and the subconscious beliefs that shape the patterns of your relationships. This kind of contemplation can be helpfully facilitated by journaling or meditation.

2. Positive affirmations:

By using affirmations on a daily basis, you can strengthen your feeling of self-worth and demonstrate that you are prepared for healthy love. Your unconscious beliefs are reshaped as a result, and they are brought into alignment with your aspirations.

3. A visualisation of:

Create a mental image of the kind of relationship you want to have by using visualization. Practicing this not only helps you better understand what it is that you are seeking for, but it also sends a message to your subconscious mind to notice these characteristics in potential relationships.

4. Thoughtful approach:

Take a thoughtful approach to dating by remaining present in every interaction and approaching the process with awareness. Listening to your gut instinct regarding who is the right person for you is facilitated by this.

5. Accept Your Own Vulnerability:

The ability to be vulnerable is a strength that helps to cultivate intimacy and connection. Being honest about your emotions and desires is a great way to introduce yourself to true connections.

6. Personal Development:

A growth mindset can be developed by viewing relationships as a path of personal development. Take on obstacles with the mindset that they are opportunities to grow and expand your connection with your partner.

7. Activity Participation:

Participate in activities that are reflective of your true self, such as hobbies and social groups that are congruent with your interests and values. The likelihood of meeting someone who possesses those same attributes is increased as a result with this.


As a conclusion, the search for love is not only about finding someone else, but it is also about finding people who are similar to ourselves. The mindset that we have, which is formed by the beliefs that we hold unconsciously, is a significant factor in attracting the relationships that we want and deserve. By adopting a growth-oriented, positive mindset and listening to our intuitive mind, we are able to open ourselves up to the possibilities of love in its most healthy form.

One must always keep in mind that the search for the ideal companion begins within oneself. This is a journey of self-discovery, healing, and development that not only prepares us to recognize the love that we want, but also to nurture it to its full potential. Your intuitive mind should serve as your guide, and you should allow it to lead you to the love story that you really deserve.

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